
Open Door- Police were dispatched to the area of 3rd and Ocean for residence with its front door open. Officers arrived and checked the perimeter of the residence and did not observe any signs of forced entry. Officers checked the interior and did not see anything disturbed or find any unauthorized people inside. The door was secured, and it was determined that the door was blown open by the weather.




Alarm- Police responded to a burglar alarm activation in the area of H St and Ocean Avenue. Officers arrived and checked the exterior of the residence and did not observe any signs of forced entry. All doors and windows were found to be secure, and it was determined that the alarm was set off in error.



Arrest- Police were dispatched to the area of K St. and Central for a report of a possible burglary in progress. Officers arrived and spoke to the caller who stated the property should be vacant and it was observed on camera that a subject had entered the home. Police investigated and did locate a male inside the residence that did not have permission to be there, and he was subsequently placed under arrest. He was transported to police headquarters where he was processed and charged with burglary, trespassing, and possession of a controlled dangerous substance for possessing narcotics that he did not have a prescription for. The subject was transported to Ocean County Jail.




Community Policing- Police were called to the area of E St. and Central for a report of open garage doors that appeared to have been broken in. Officers arrived and investigated, and the rest of the residence was found to be secure, but it appeared the high winds and weather caused the doors to break. Officers were able to place something in front of the doors to keep the closed to attempt to deter and further damage, and police attempted to contact the homeowner to report their findings.



Well Being Check- Police were dispatched to the aera of O St. and Ocean Avenue for a caller who was concerned about a family member who they hadn’t heard from and they were not answering any phone calls. Police arrived at the scene and checked the area and were able to locate the family member who the caller was concerned about. After further investigation it was determined that the subject was fine, and they were advised to reach out to their relative. The caller was notified of the outcome.





Neighbor Dispute- Police were called to the area of Porter and Central for a neighbor dispute over loud noise coming from tenants living above the caller. Officers arrived and spoke to both parties and attempted to mediate the situation. The caller was advised on how to sign complaints if they wished to proceed with charges.



Arrest- Police were dispatched to the area of Farragut and the Boulevard to take a report of a vehicle possibly taken without consent. After gathering the information needed to generate a report it was learned that the subject had an active arrest warrant and was subsequently placed under arrest. He was transported to police headquarters where he was processed and turned over to the agency where he was wanted out of.




Animal – Police responded to the area of I St. and Bayview where there was a report of an injured seagull. Police located the bird and were able to take it into custody for safe keeping until animal control could come to pick up the injured bird.