
Arrest- While on patrol in the area of M St. and Central Avenue Officers were flagged down by a female who stated she needed police assistance with a household member. Officers and arrived at the residence and spoke to both parties to investigate what had taken place. After further investigation of the matter, it was determined that the female had assaulted her boyfriend and she was placed under arrest and transported to police headquarters for processing. She was charged and transported to Ocean County Jail.



First Aid- Police and Tri-Boro First Aid Squad responded to a caller with general weakness and vomiting. Officers and EMS arrived at the scene and assessed the patient at the scene. They were later transported to Community Medical Center for further treatment.




Verbal Dispute- Police were dispatched to the area of Farragut Ave. and the Boulevard for a verbal argument between a male and female outside in the driveway. Police arrived and located the subjects involved in the altercation. Officers spoke to both parties and were able to mediate the situation and both subjects went their separate ways.




Fire Alarm- Police and the Seaside Park, and Seaside Heights Volunteer Fire Departments responded to the area of Stockton and the Boulevard for a fire alarm activation. The caller stated they also smelled smoke along with the audible alarm sounding. Police and the fire companies checked the residence, and no active fire or smoke was present. They checked the residence with their heat sensing equipment and found no danger and the residence was deemed safe.



Community Policing- Police were dispatched to the area of J St. and Central Avenue to assist a caller who was disoriented and needed help. Officers arrived and spoke to the caller who had gotten disoriented after leaving where they were staying. Police were able to determine where she needed to go and gave her a safe ride back to where she was residing.


Arrest- While on patrol police had conducted a motor vehicle stop on a vehicle for multiple motor vehicle violations. After speaking with the driver, it appeared he was driving under the influence. After further investigation on the stop, it was determined the driver was operating his vehicle under the influence of marijuana. He was arrested and transported to police headquarters where he was processed and charged with driving under the influence and other motor vehicle violations.



Well Being Check- Police were dispatched to the area of Stockton Ave. and Ocean to check on a friend of the caller who she had not been able to get in contact with for an extended period of time and was concerned. Police responded and checked where the person was supposed to be residing. Police were able to make contact with the subject and they were fine. The subject was advised to call their friend and make contact with them. The caller was advised of our findings.



Unwanted Guests- Police responded to the area of N St. and Ocean Ave. for a homeowner that saw on their surveillance system that a relative and friends were using their home without permission and wanted them escorted off the property. Police responded and spoke to the subjects at the residence and advised them of the situation. Police stood by while the subjects left without incident.




Alarm- Police were dispatched to the area of Lake Ave. and Decatur for a burglar alarm activation. Officers arrived and checked the perimeter of the residence and did not observe any signs of forced entry. All doors and windows were found to be secure, and it was determined that the alarm had been set off in error.