Jobs 4 Blue


To hire an officer, contact Jobs4Blue (Visual Computer Solutions, Inc.) at (877) 425-8330, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.

Seaside Park Police Officers can be hired to work outside employment for the following situations:

• Traffic control
• Security/Crowd control
• Other appropriate assignments

There is a set rate for officers regardless of rank. Persons or companies hiring police officers cannot request certain officers or officers of specific ranks. Every effort is made to accommodate requests for outside duty officers but there are times when staffing is not available. Vendors will be advised in a timely manner if a job cannot be covered. Coverage of a job request is not guaranteed.

Outside duty requests are subject to review by the Police Department and may be refused if the duties requested are not consistent with the policies and procedures of the Seaside Park Police Department or against any laws or ordinances.